Loving Life #OOTD-September 23-29
Sunday Funday! This last weekend was full and flew by! I keep waiting for life to slow down, but I don't think that is a real thing. So I am trying to find the moments and make memories where my family has nothing planned, but being together. This was not this weekend, ha ha! There's always the next one. Most of my outfit are items I've had for years, but the boots and jacket are in stock! These boots are seriously my favorite and are the first boot I've found that really fits Bertha (bonus they come in wide widths!!) Booties . Jeggings 1 . Jeggings 2 . Jeggings 3 . Jacket . Similar Top . Necklace Starting the new school years has brought so many changes to my kid's lives. It has been kind of a rough start emotionally. For a long time I struggled finding a parenting expert that really spoke my idea of parenting. Last year my some sort of miracle I stumbled upon my spirit parenting expert (is that a thing?) One o...